Wednesday, August 10, 2016


So lately I've been thinking about childhood memories. When we're kids, we tend to think about how awesome adults are, how much we wish we could grow up, and, of course, dessert, although as sad as I am to say it that is entirely irrelevant. But growing up is hard. When I was little, I had the most amazing experiences. I got to go to Disneyland, Silverwood, and tons of other fun places. I had days where all I would do is swing and sing to the birds, eat delicious food, and play with my cousins. I had nights with my grandparents where we would sit in the living room and watch Bones or The Antiques Roadshow while eating ice cream and popcorn, staying up way past my bedtime. Then there was the play kitchen, and there were the kid cars in the basement, among other incredibly entertaining toys. We would dye Easter eggs and build gingerbread houses, we even had Easter egg hunts. Those were the good old days. For the longest time I resented that part of my family, and now I don't even know why. Others in my family were against them, I suppose, and I just went along for the ride on the haters' train. Well, those days are no longer. I'm going to embrace every side of my family, even the non-blood relatives who I don't know how to address anymore.  Family is family, regardless of DNA. I failed to realize that for too long, and I regret that more than I can say. I made a lot of mistakes and I missed a lot, but I'm back and this time I'm here to stay.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Writing For Chocolate

In the 8th grade, our English teacher gave us an assignment to write a story about a picture. I chose a picture of the Mosque of Cordoba, and I decided I would write a book out of it. I got a list of people who wanted to be characters, I knew exactly where the plot was going to go, I just never had much motivation to write it. I wrote about a chapter for the assignment, and then stopped writing for about a year. I found it later, and decided it might benefit me to write more. I got about 15 pages into it, and then quit again. This past year, I've been adding more to it. I'm about 20 or 25 pages far into the book, and I've pretty much given up again. I was just recently telling a friend that I need a little motivation to write the book. I need someone who will give me a deadline, and agree to buy the book with chocolate. Chocolate, to me, is better than money. I could live on chocolate. Anyway...any takers? XD